
Nurturing excellence in individuals, teams and organizations

“WWA have run team events and a long term coaching program with key staff… We were looking for more than training interventions; but more than that, to move the business forward in a positive and sustainable way, which has certainly been achieved.”

 SVP Corporate Development
 Inmarsat plc
 Debbie Jones

Organizations with an ingrained and effective culture of coaching are investing in their future survival and the excellence of their staff and recruits.

As the former CEO of General Electric noted, smart companies foster coaching at all levels: “In the future people who are not coaches will not be promoted. Managers who are coaches will be the norm”.

WWA is able to support you in three ways as you create a coaching culture. We do it by focusing in three specific ways:

  • Providing external coaches to serve immediate key needs
  • Helping to build your internal coaching program for long term benefit
  • Developing the coaching skills and abilities of leaders and managers within your organization.

By aligning all three, we sow the seeds of a coaching culture that encourages staff at all levels to excel and work collaboratively towards wider company objectives. We do this both by formal coaching and by helping individuals across the organization practice coaching behaviors to support, influence and relate to each other. In this way, your company enjoys a wide range of cumulative and business critical benefits, including employees who:

  • Have high engagement levels
  • Better adapt to a changing world
  • Increase their performance
  • Improve their productivity
  • Enjoy higher job satisfaction at all levels

A strong coaching culture also creates higher internal accountability as well as shaping your strategy for the better and adding to your bottom line – 60% of organizations with a strong coaching culture report their most recent year’s revenue to be above average when compared to their peer group.

Talk to WWA today to discuss how we can help you put an effective coaching culture in place. We’ll create a clear view of your journey, build you a plan and help you deliver and apply it to your company.

Talk to us about building a coaching culture

  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials …their mastery of coaching methods is clearly unparalleled. wwa

    Executive Development & Talent Management

    Saudi Aramco

    Kevin F. Bourne

    wwa testimonials براعة WWA في طرق الإرشاد –الكوتشنج- لانظير لها wwa

    المدير التنفيذى لإدارة التنمية والمهارات

    سعودى ارامكو

    كيفين ف. بورن
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials …we have found them to be extremely professional, experienced, flexible and more importantly share the same passion that we have to develop out talent. wwa

    Human Resources Director

    Fonterra Brands ME & Africa

    Thamer Al Harti

    wwa testimonials لقد وجدنا WWA على أعلى المستويات المهنية,متمرسين, ذو خبرة ومتعاونين, والأهم انهم يشاركوننا نفس الشغف بتنمية المهارات wwa

    مدير قطاع التنمية البشرية

    منتجات فونتيرا الشرق الأوسط و أفريقيا

    ثامر الحارتى
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials Much of the outstanding result was down to WWA’s observation, accurate appraisal of people and the follow-up coaching discussions wwa

    Vice President

    Global Training and Learning, Hilti AG

    John F.G. Willox

    wwa testimonials يرجع الفضل فى نتائجنا المبهرة لقوة ملاحظة فريق WWA و تقييمهم الدقيق للعاملين و ما تلاه من الحوارات الإرشادية wwa

    نائب رئيس التدريب والتعلم

    هيلتى أيه جي

    جون ف.ج. ويلوكس
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials We have team envy! wwa

    Vice President Commercial

    Asia ME & Africa, IHG

    Leanne Harwood

    wwa testimonials الجميع يغارمن اداء فريق عملنا wwa

    نائب رئيس القطاع اتجاري

    مجموعة فنادق انتركنتننتل, اسيا الشرق الأوسط و افريقيا

    ليان هاروود
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials Your executive coaching experience and style, allowed me to grow as a person and as an executive. wwa

    Director & General Manager

    Cisco International

    Wayne Hull

    wwa testimonials خبراتكم و اسلوبكم في الإرشاد –الكوتشنج- ساعدوني على الصعيد الشخصي والمهني في دوري كمدير تنفيذي wwa

    مدير قطاع و مدير عام

    شركة سيسكو العالمية

    وين هل
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials Working with WWA Corporate Coaching in Dubai has been exactly the right choice for us… wwa

    Senior Vice President

    Corporate Development, Inmarsat PLC

    Debbie Jones

    wwa testimonials تعاملنا مع شركة ً WWA للإرشاد –الكوتشنج- فى دبي كان بالفعل الأختيار الأمثل لنا wwa

    نائب رئيس أول

    تنمية الشركة انمارسات شركة عامة محدودة

    ديبي جونز
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials …we selected WWA as our preferred partner due to their track record of working with big culturally diverse companies… wwa

    Vice President HR

    Middle East & Africa, IHG

    Jenny Atkinson

    wwa testimonials يرجع اختيارنا لشركة WWA للإرشاد كشريك مفضل لخبرتهم الطويلة فى العمل مع شركات كبيرة ذات ثقافات مختلفة و متنوعة. wwa

    نائب رئيس قطاع الموارد البشرية

    الشرق الأوسط و افريقيا, أي.أتش.جي

    جيني اتكينسون
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials There is no question of the value that my WWA coach has delivered to me personally and as well as directly to the business… wwa

    Executive Director

    Centre for Healthcare Planning & Development, Dubai Healthcare City

    Dr. Abdulkareem Sultan Al Olama

    wwa testimonials لايمكن انكارالقيمة التي قدمها مرشد- كوتش- WWA شخصيا و القيمة التى عادت على الشركة wwa

    مدير القطاع التنفيذي

    مدينة العناية الصحية بدبي

    د.عبد الكريم سلطان العلماء
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials WWA is a trusted partner for MetLife’s coaching needs in the region wwa

    Head of Talent

    EMEA, Metlife

    Javier Sanchez Ferrer

    wwa testimonials عند احتياجنا للإرشاد –الكوتشنج- في المنطقة ًWWA هم الشركاء الموثوق بهم wwa

    مدير ادارة المهارات

    لاقليم اوروبا, الشرق الأوسط و افريقيا

    خبيير سانشيز فيررير
  • testimonial

    wwa testimonials I can count on WWA to challenge our managers to grasp opportunities for change... wwa

    Talent Development Manager

    Siemens ME

    Anneke Seesing

    wwa testimonials في سيمنز, يمكننى الأعتماد على ًWWA فى تحفيز المدراء علي انتهاز الفرص من أجل التغيير wwa

    مديرة تنمية المهارات

    سيمنز الشرق الأوسط

    انيكا سيسنج